Friday, March 25, 2011

Woman's Injustice.

Woman are not only a man's partner. Woman deserve to have roles and rights. Men tend to view us woman as the weaker link my question is why? Is it because we might not have the same physical strength they have, or we are just not "superior" at certain things.  We don't only belong in the kitchen or taking care of our family members but we also should be given the right to participate in the public sphere.  Till this day woman are viewed as not being capable of participating in politics and government. It is believed that men are superior intellectually. However women have special qualities and skills that men don't have. Why aren't we recognized for being a part of something big? For example Hilary Clinton was running for president. There was a certain percent of people that were not voting for her just because she was a woman. We shouldn't be judged according to our gender but for the knowledge we obtain and the skills we have. People need to recognize that us woman are hard working and can do almost the same things men could. We should be treated equally!!

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